| Works Council in Zeuthen

Works Council

Works Council Zeuthen

Works Council in Zeuthen

Works Council Zeuthen

The DESY Zeuthen works council has a total of 9 members in accordance with the stipulations of the Works Constitution Act.

The current works council is newly elected for the period 2022 - 2026.

If a member leaves or is temporarily absent (e.g. due to vacation, business trip or illness), one of the substitute members takes his place.

In the absence of the chairperson, business shall be conducted by the deputy. If both are absent, the works council shall appoint a managing person from among its members.


A member of the Youth and Apprentice Representation (YAR) and the Severely Disabled Representative shall be regularly invited to the meetings of the Works Council.

Youth and apprentice representatives are entitled to vote as long as the resolutions to be passed by the works council mainly concern employees up to the age of 25 and apprentices.


The works council meets regularly every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.