| Works Council in Zeuthen

Support for youth and children's homes

Association of friends and sponsors at DESY Zeuthen to support youth and children's homes

Works Council in Zeuthen

Association of friends and sponsors at DESY Zeuthen to support youth and children's homes

The association was founded on September 17, 1998.

In continuation of a partnership contract (1973) between the brigade "Development" of the Institute for High Energy Physics Zeuthen (today DESY Zeuthen) and the group 3B of the district children's home Prierosbrück, friends and sponsors shall be won for the new association via DESY Zeuthen. The children's home Prierosbrück (An der Dubrow 16, 15752 Prieros) with the children and young people living in it should be supported with priority.

With appropriate participation, the association can extend this support to other children's and youth homes. The children and adolescents between the ages of 3 and 18 can be cared for and supported according to the Kinder-Jugendhilfegesetz (KJHG).

If you are interested, please contact the chairwoman, Carola Rüger.
For further information, please refer to the statutes of the association or the website of the children's home: here


